
Dear Farm Journal,
We dug down and got dirty today, getting our foundation under our fingernails. We are making a major soil upgrade this spring, bringing in a semi load (maybe 2) of compost for the greenhouses. The salubrious smell almost makes me want to eat a handful of it. I joke with Rufus that it looks and smells good enough to eat. He countered that I eventually would eat it, if I hadn’t already. I swept my tongue over my teeth and confirmed that, in fact, I had. I’m still a novice as far as soil biology goes. I’m basically in the stage of bewilderment at the relationship between soil and seeds. When I start reading about phytochemistry and macro/micronutrients, I sort of flash back to my entangled confusion in high school chemistry. However, the flow of life energy from soil to seed to stomach is so fascinating that I’m determined to gain a grasp on it. I’m pretty certain that if I can apprehend the secrets of the soil, I will veritably discern much more.