This afternoon, Rufus and I worked on repairing the door on greenhouse three. Last year Rufus built a really nice looking pair of wooden swinging doors for G3. They look great, but the problem is…they didn’t quite function as doors should for long. The shifting of the wood and weather has rendered these doors dysfunctional. They no longer line up with the frame or each other, so since last fall, we have been closing them as far as we could and sliding a large planter in front of the door to hold it shut…less than ideal. It did work well enough that I accidently locked Giz in there overnight last weekend though, so that’s something. Today we took the door off the hinges, shaved a bit off the inside and bottom, added a front piece to seal the doors together and rehung our new and improved door. Hopefully it will at least make it through the season as a functioning door.