Dear Farm Journal,
I cry a lot in the car these days. I tune my radio dial into horrifying and profoundly disturbing news, and I cry from a deep place of outrage that burns in the pit of my stomach. Another African American brother, another sister is ruthlessly slain in the streets while their killers continue unchecked in a heinously corrupt racist system. Sobs surge more strongly into my chest and I feel like I can’t breathe. I have to do something! My eyes are still filled with tears when I walk into the house and Rufus wraps his arms around me as I express, “My heart is %&*$#@! breaking! What do we do?!” The call to action feels tangible and the time is now. I call and email two organizations, Badger Rock Neighborhood Center and The Foundation for Black Women’s Wellness in Madison and humbly ask how we can help. Lack of access to healthy food and land are part of the daily oppression that communities of color face. They are two things we have access to and want to share, so it’s time for us to step up.