
Dear Farm Journal,

Rufus and I made momentous progress today. We successfully mounted the door on the new shop and have all but the last few adjustments to make before it will be running smoothly. I continued work in greenhouse number three and it is pretty much ready for production. I fortified all of the greenhouse tables so that the seed trays will lay flat (instead of sagging in the middle and pooling water). I employed my new skill of using the chop saw to cut pieces to finish out the tables. With the tables set in their new positions and fully fortified, I had the pleasure of sweeping up, what I assume to be cat shit and other dirt and plant matter. I shoveled the snow around the door and pathway, brought up a wheelbarrow, and removed the debris and three crates of shallots that had a rough winter of neglect. I carry a pile of saw horses to the back of the barn through the deep snow (thank goodness Rufus plowed everything out today). As the sun began to set, Rufus and I surveyed our day’s work. We admire our ability to transform spaces, and head in as the sun sets to enjoy some beautiful food and a cold beer.  


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