Dear Farm Journal,
Today we leave the busy city streets behind us and roll into our old familiar dead end gravel road. There is a wave of comfort that accompanies coming home, a feeling of belonging that is nestled in the heart which leaps a little when you pull in the driveway. Gizmo leaps and twists much further into the air as he reunites with his pals (who he was sure had really abandoned him this time). The chickens make their happy chicken noises as I enter their coop and have our familiar conversation. Rufus builds a fire and warmth slowly returns to each room. I whip up some wraps for lunch and we both agree that eating out was fun, but our food is just better. Rufus continues reading to me from Daring Democracy by Frances Moore Lappe and Adam Eichen, a book we have been reading together which was given to me by Theresa Marquez (Organic Valley executive) when I interviewed her about socially responsible food and ethical food consumerism. For me, the book stirs deep feelings of betrayal, strong urges toward activism and endless questions about how we can make a difference. We let the afternoon pass in peace and just enjoy being home.