Today Rufus was delivering CSAs in Madison, but the farm was busy with visitors. Of course there were the usual suspects, Papa Rich working on a tractor, Charna working in her pottery studio, and Mother Mary dropping off and picking up her dog, Jody. Then there were a handful of friends, neighbors, and acquaintances who dropped by to pick up some #2 cauliflower we put out on Facebook to share. There are some blemishes on the heads, so we can’t sell them, but if you cut that spot out they are perfectly fine. I would rather share it than see it go to waste. It was wonderful to connect with people, show them around the farm and share what we do. One visitor got the full farm experience of Papa Rich cursing a blue streak about a mile long in frustration with how the tractor repairs were going. It didn’t sound like it was going well. The profanities poured into the open air as I sheepishly apologized. He didn’t know we had company, but when he realized, he also came over and apologized. Luckily, our visitor had heard this type of thing before and wasn’t offended. Sometimes you hear the most creative cursing on a farm.