
Dear Farm Journal,
‘Tis the season for trellising, and we’ve almost anchored all the tomatoes in. We’ve found it’s quite a bit more challenging to maneuver around on a ladder in the new soft compost. A compact foundation hasn’t quite formed yet, and the ladder sinks down to varying depths at each of the four legs. Today I decided to use a bucket, which was just barely tall enough for me to reach the trellis wire. It was precarious positioning to say the least. When I asked Sandi how it seemed, she said, “Dangerous. I’m glad you’ve been doing yoga”. I worked my way down the line, testing the limits of my balance and the bucket, when all of a sudden, the bottom dropped out, and I landed down inside the bucket, rolling between the plants, legs stuck together. Sandi rushed over and asked if I was okay, and I inspected myself to find I was. We both got a good healthy belly laugh out of it. “I bet that’s not how you envisioned me falling down is it!?” I discarded the busted lid, flipped the bucket over, and moved on down the row. Almost done!