What a day! Although it is Sunday, I think we put in more hard work today than most days of the week. We are now pretty much desperate to finish greenhouse 2 and get the tomatoes planted before they start going downhill. We now have all of the structural pieces finished, including channel lock for the wiggle wire. Rufus got all the compost we have on the farm moved into the greenhouse and today we did the labor of shoveling and shaping the mounds of new soil into 8 50 ft beds. Since we are so low on compost, we shovel out the walkways and only use the precious dirt for the actual beds where the tomatoes will be planted. To our great dismay, the piece of plastic we planned on using to cover the greenhouse was too short. Once we stretched it out along the greenhouse, we instantly realize that we have yet another “less than ideal” situation. We sit down and rethink our plan. For now, we decide to just get the tomatoes planted and order new greenhouse plastic when we can. We fight the wind, rain, thunder, and lightning to tack down the black plastic (for the weeds, not the building) and get one row planted before Rufus yells at me to get inside before I get hit by lightning and we run to the house with the dogs. Once the storm passes, we head back out and plant one more row and cover it with hoops and row covers before the day is through. We head to the farmhouse once again, this time for showers, dinner, and a good night’s sleep to get ready for tomorrow’s harvest.