Transplanting seedlings is a particularly satisfying task for me. My task today was transplanting tomatoes and cucumbers into a more roomy situation. I love the sensation of extracting the small soil pod from its plastic enclosure, peering at the vitality in the roots, and placing the entire bundle into a new home where the baby vegetable can stretch out. Indeed, I am distracted as I go about my work this week, by the adorable, fluffy, curious, and ever present Balio. He has stolen my heart and my attention, and I count myself grateful that I have a job at which he can trot happily alongside me and nap within view. He is already patrolling our familiar route on his own, napping outside the greenhouses as we work inside, friendly toward the chickens, and making friends with Gizmo. It seems that everyone he meets falls involuntarily head over heels for him, and I am confident that he could win over the coldest of hearts.