Dear Farm Journal,

Today was the first pack out of our fall CSA and we put a luscious looking box together for our members. We decided to scale back a bit from the summer madness of 225 shares and cut off the sign ups at around 130 members. Although this is still almost double what we packed last fall, it feels like a breeze compared to the summer numbers. As we lose hours of daylight going into the fall, things start to slow down a bit on the farm, and I welcome the subtle daily changes. Our farm team is going through seasonal changes as well. Our interns have gone home, our volunteers have cut back, and Sandi will also be leaving us to work at an orchard near her farm and focus on her own market gardens and pumpkin business. I’m thankful for what each of them brought to the farm and taught me about farm management. I’ve certainly learned a lot about how to do it better the next time around. Facing the fall season, just the two of us, emboldens me to summon my evolving potential from deep within the wells of inner strength, and I find it. People will always come and go on the farm, but I find my stability in this place and the person I fell in love with. We are the dream builders. 


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