Dear Farm Journal,
This season, I’m catching sight of some corner pieces to the farm puzzle, the pillars that frame in the big picture potential. The first corner piece is people. The family, employees, volunteers, interns, and partner producers who have joined their hands with ours in doing this work are absolutely foundational. Farming alone is insane. The second piece to fall into place was the soil. Having clean healthy soil has granted us a tectonic shift in focusing our time and energy on further improvements. Third comes the corner piece that often goes missing (and there’s nothing we can do about it), the good grace of Mother Nature. There’s simply no substitute for warm sunny weather with a kiss of rain (could use a few more of those kisses, but I’m not complaining). Finally, (and this one is also out of our hands), is a growing customer base who values local organic produce, especially via the CSA model. Unfortunately, it took a global pandemic and several other local farms ending their CSA program for us to see this shift, but I sincerely hope the trend toward supporting small local organic farms continues. Even as these pieces fall into place, I know they will be shuffled regularly, but catching a glimpse of the potentiality is invigorating in itself.