Dear Farm Journal,
After lounging streamside and wading in the coolness of the West Fork, I suppose we were due for a little excitement. The neighbor stopped by to let us know his cows were out. We told him we’d let him know if we saw them, and he continued on his search. I was swinging in the hammock thinking, “They better not get in our gardens” when all of a sudden Rufus looked intently into the valley. “Ope, I see em’”, he said, and jumped in the car to catch the neighbor. As Rufus sped down the driveway, I got a text from Elaina, “Do you know anything about wandering cows? There is a group of like 4 cows that just walked by the cabin.” I explained and we “commenced cow hunt”, as she put it. It was a group of four young beefers who were having the time of their lives, living the free range life with all the organic forage they could handle. They had absolutely no intention of going where we wanted them to. In fact, they rallied over the next hill and we lost them completely. At dark, the search party gave up. Cows 1, Farmers 0.