
Dear Farm Journal,

When I worked a regular job, I dreaded the end of the weekend. I always found myself wishing that I could keep the drudgery of Monday realities at bay somehow…a long holiday weekend, a paid day off, a scheduled appointment, inclement weather, “calling in sick”, anything to stall going back to the 9 to 5 grind with scheduled, supervised hours, stuck indoors, with people I didn’t like. Now that I have left all of that behind and committed to a full time farm life, Mondays feel fresh and new. I look forward to our morning office time when we check in with each other about all things farm. I anticipate going over our different goals and tasks, and especially relish marking the checkboxes of our progress (a true and deep Capricorn pleasure). I enjoy taking on assignments and sharing this invigorating journey of farming and friendship. I wake up energized and eager to ask or answer the question, “What are we going to do today, honey?” We have found ourselves in the comfortable grove of a morning routine, one that slides by easily with no hang ups to my happiness. And as the morning marches on, I feel our profound connection, as we both become anxious to get outside at about the same time. I bounce my leg under the desk. Rufus starts to fidget and lose concentration, and suddenly as if both of our synchronized internal alarms went off, our eyes meet, and we know that it is time to go outside… and we do.


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