Dear Farm Journal,
Rufus and I are really rockin’ on G4 (greenhouse 4). We were in door mode today, and nearly built 2 full sliding greenhouse doors in an afternoon. We were only halted by our cordless drill which finally ran out of juice. The drill, Rufus, and I all seemed to notice at the same moment, as the sun was moving across a pivotal point in the sky, that it was Friday, it was nearing 5:00pm, and it was time for a well earned beer. It is a satisfying feeling, walking in with the one you love from a purposeful and productive day’s work, especially when the work is tangible, and your efforts are visible in the farmscape. It connects me further and ties me in tighter to this place. When I look around and I see the changes we have made together in my short time here, it moves my curiosity to explore what is possible.