Dear Farm Journal,
The week of Thanksgiving practically flashed before my eyes and somehow it is December. Monday through Saturday, I alternated between food prep in the kitchen and food coma on the couch. Our families celebrated on both Thursday and Saturday and mountains of food were prepared that could probably take us through to the next holiday; turkeys, venison, chicken, potatoes, stuffing, gravy, honey glazed cilantro carrots, garlic feta beets, coleslaw, cranberry sauce with orange zest, basil pesto pasta, maple delicata squash, cut out cookies, sweet potato pies, skillet apple brownies, meat and cheese trays, and deviled eggs covered every inch of possible surface area. It was quite a feat to prepare such a feast with only one functional burner, but I did it with some help from family. I was fortunate to be surrounded by some of my most beloved bright faces, laughing, playing cards, cheering for a football game, telling stories, and coming in from a victorious hunt. My cup overflows with gratitude because I certainly have a lot to be thankful for.