When Rufus and I started Driftless Curiosity, we were rooted in the idea of collaborating with like-minded folks in the Driftless community. In fact, when I met with a non-profit advisor from my Johns Hopkins Alumni group, her focus on connection and collaboration were what stood out most vividly in my mind. During the first 6 months as a non-profit, we’ve connected with some incredible individuals and organizations who we are honored and excited to partner with including; Driftless Music Gardens, Driftless Gold, Driftless Area Magazine, Kickapoo Valley Forest School, Origin Experiences, The Folk Art Collective, The McIntosh Memorial Library, and as of Friday, we started conversations with Driftless Folk School and Thoreau College about hosting workshops and solo excursions, offering internships, and becoming involved in their Summer Walkabout program. It was an absolutely fantastic way to end the week and has me brimming with enthusiasm for what is to come. Each email, Zoom meeting, in-person conversation, farm visit, and shared veggie tray is another stride toward building a more robust and beautiful rural community.

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