Dear Farm Journal,
On this Father’s Day, I reflect on memories with my dad. When I was a teenager, all I wanted to do was move out of our small town and into a big city. I felt like I needed to arrive in a place where life really happened, like MTV type stuff. My dad tried to convince me that country life was better and, of course, I wasn’t trying to hear that. I’d find my way to the big city lights and never look back into the dark ages. Today the countryside is my home and I never did feel quite at ease in the city. If my dad would have told me I would become a farmer (not so far from my hometown), I probably would have flipped my ponytail in sassy disgust and marched out of the room. I guess my dad was right about country life, but I had to live 20 years on my own to figure it out. Surely, no one has ever heard of a teenage daughter taking her father’s word for it. Love you, Dad.