Dear Farm Journal,
Today was a lazy Saturday. The weather was too nasty to work outside so we cuddled on the couch, stoked the fire, cooked breakfast, and watched Netflix. The only farming task I did today was take care of the chickens. We are up to our 6th egg now. In the afternoon, Rufus and I went out to the coop to check them out. We watched them for a few minutes, commenting about their behaviors, guessing which hen or hens are laying the eggs, and wondering why “Peck Neck” is getting picked on. One of the chickens, who I call “Peck Neck” is missing the feathers around her neck area like the other chickens are beating her up a little. I’m not sure what is going on there. The other chickens I sort of have names for, I know by their behaviors. “Fatty Bo Baddie” is the chicken that jumps up onto the grit pale near the grain and clucks excessively while I clean up the coop until I put the grain down. “Amelia Bedelia” is the friendly chicken who always approaches me and checks me out. She will eat ice off of my gloves or boots sometimes. You know it was a slow Saturday if the highlight of your day was watching the chickens.