In each season, there is a crop that comes to the forefront, the one that consumes the most of your time, the one you see when you close your eyes, and it varies from year to year. In the spring, it’s pretty much always asparagus. This summer, I would have to say that green scallions take the cake. Growing them in the soft clean compost makes it possible for us to pick 10 cases plus the bundles for the CSA without cursing the very ground they grow in. When I first came to the farm, Rufus was growing scallions in the hard clay, wedging them from the muck with a harvest knife and blasting them with highly pressurized water, and still not getting them clean. In the no-till system, they pull and wash (dare I say) easily. Don’t get me wrong, you still have to bend over 5000 times. It’s physical labor, but we’re not stabbing at the field for hours for one measly case. No-till for the win…again.